Signatur Gudrun Lehmann - Musikerin & Komponistin
Songs Headerbild

Songs for stage


Gudrun Lehmann has written numerous songs for the stage, most recently for solo artist Christine Rothacker's current comedy programme, "Auslaufmodell 4.0". These are some audio samples from the show


Renate Eisenpreis

Des Deutschen Sehnsucht nach dem Grabe

Ich geh nicht in Rente


Mein Freund der Bot

Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen

Schule am See Booklet


Polydor/Universal (1998)

In addition to the score music for ARD series "Die Schule am See," Gudrun Lehmann composed some songs for the soundtrack CD. The performer was Jason Everly, son of the legendary Everly Brothers. Listen to the title song and a ballad from the CD...

„We stick together“/Jason Everly (Titelsong)

„You´re on my mind“/Jason Everly

Cover Mauseschlau und Bärenstark


Sony BMG (2006/2007)

Gudrun Lehmann has written numerous songs for children's formats (including "Die Sendung mit der Maus", "Die Wölfe"). Here are two examples from the extensive musical radio play series for the brand "Mauseschlau & Bärenstark", for which she also worked as a composer, director, and co-producer. These are funny and imaginative stories from author Angelika Bartram (Sesame Street), which are told in the form of elaborate musical radio plays. The top-class musical line-up (including Stefan Gwildis, Andreas Zaron) leads to a variety of idiosyncratic musical moments and songs. In addition to this are the songs sung by children, which create a framework for the content.

Schlaflied für den Igel

Bärentanz/Stefan Gwildis

Wassermeister/A. Zaron